Future Families Information

We love welcoming families to our school, so you can see, hear and feel the PHS positive culture of learning. We encourage you to book your place on a small group tour of our school. Transition 2025 has begun!

Book a Tour

We are delighted to warmly invite prospective families to book a tour to see our school in action as you make your decisions about Year 7, 2025.

Running small group tours enables families to experience our dynamic, contemporary learning environment, our state-of-the-art facilities and our genuine commitment to positive, respectful relationships – all on a normal school morning.

Led by our Principal, Assistant Principals and a team of student PHS Ambassadors, our tours are small, honest and conversational. We are proud to show off our school in action and we look forward to meeting you in coming weeks.

Our initial focus is with families approaching Year 7 2025, but we warmly welcome all interest.

Our regular tours continue until early May, when your Placement Forms choosing Prahran High School are due to Grade 6 teachers.

"We are a strong, beautiful, diverse community and we look forward to welcoming you and your family."